
Prepare for TOEFL/IELTS with TG Tutoring

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Lead TOEFL TutorStephanie

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Criterion 1.Actual TOEFL Score of 115 or Higher
Criterion 2.Actual IELTS Score of 8.5 or Higher
Criterion 3.Experience with Raising Tutees' Scores

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    TG Tutoring Session Credits

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    Unused session credits are 100% refundable!

    Tutoring Basic Credits
    4-Hour Credit
    • Change your tutor any time
    4-Hour Credits + Two More Benefits
    8-Hour Credit
    $430 -21% Off
    • Change your tutor any time
    • 1 Trial Session
    • 1-Month TestGlider Membership
    8-Hour Credits Benefits at a Lower Price
    16-Hour Credit
    $860 -28% Off
    • Change your tutor any time
    • 1 Trial Session
    • 1-Month TestGlider Membership
    Lowest Price, Maximum Benefits
    24-Hour Credit
    $1,290 -31% Off
    • Change your tutor any time
    • 1 Trial Session
    • 1-Month TestGlider Membership
    • Another 1-Month TestGlider Membership
    ※ TG Tutoring can provide certificates for proof of course completion

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    *Here’s how students achieved their desired TOEFL scores with the help of actual tutors.

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    NoticeBenefits of TG Tutoring Session Credits- 8 Hours : 1-Month TestGlider Membership + 1 Trial Session- 16 Hours : 1-Month TestGlider Membership + 1 Trial Session- 24 Hours : 2-Month TestGlider Membership + 1 Trial Session- 24 Hours : 2-Month TestGlider Membership + 1 Trial Session· A trial session and TestGlider membership are provided for customers who purchase the following TG Tutoring session credits. The trial session lasts for 1 hour. · TestGlider membership is offered based on the test you are preparing for. (TOEFL/IELTS) · The benefits can be discontinued early without notice. Session Credits ExpirationSession credits have the following validity periods. Refunds are not possible if a refund request is made after the pre-announced validity period has passed.· 4 to 16 hours: 1 month (30 days) from the purchase date· 24 hours: 2 months (60 days) from the purchase date· Session credits can be extended in certain circumstances upon prior consultation with the tutor.Refund PolicyRefunds will be made after deducting the hours of sessions taken. Please refer to the following hourly rates of each session credit. Hourly rates of TG Tutoring session credit: - 4 hours: $54 per hour - 8 hours: $43 per hour - 16 to 24 hours: $40 per hour When a refund request is made after a trial session, a refund will be made after deducting 1 hour of the trial session. i.e. If you request a refund for an 8-hour session credit after taking 4 hours, $172(4 hours x $43) will be deducted from the refund amount.※ TestGlider membership will be revoked at the time the refund is requested.
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